On-line Personality Test

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“Puss In Boots” “The Last Wish” A Review By @SupaFlyOne

Puss in boots the last wish was an awesome adventure. Thanks to @Gofobo I was able to pre screen it before it was released and it was a great experience.

I did not attended this screening alone .I was super excited to share the rare opportunity of +3 and invited my brother, his new wife, and young son.There were a lot of children in attendance this time.I was not expecting my nephew to last through the whole movie without leaving crying but he did. There was no need for him to even use the headphones that is mom brought with him.He did a great job I was very very impressed.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.It was created by the same makers of Shrek and that series of movies is a always winning choices for family entertainment.This movie was no different.Character voice actors included the extremely familiar Antonio bandaras and Selma Hyak.They both did a wonderful job.

Just like in the Shrek movies there is a message to be learned through watching “The Last Wish.”

If you had one wish what would you wish for?more life, money, diamonds, a friend, a wife, a house, a car?