“150 Mandalas For Stress Relief And Relaxation” “The Best Coloring Book For Adults”

"150 Mandalas For Stress Relief And Relaxation" "The Best Coloring Book For Adults"

Do you need an activity to help you unplug from electronics? Do you have a lot of stress and Anxiety? If yes…have you considered an adult coloring book? Although coloring is considered to be a children’s activity adults can do it too. Coloring repetitive Mandala patterns has proven to have a calming effect on mental and physical health.

150 Mandalas For Stress Relief And Relaxation
Colored Mandala Pattern

 Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association  22(2) pp. 81-85 provides support that coloring mandalas or geometric patterns actually does help lower stress and anxiety levels. Nancy A. Curry, BA, completed this project while pursuing an undergraduate degree at Knox College with then associate professor, Tim Kasser, Ph.D., who is now the Professor and Chair of Psychology at Knox College.

According to an article at colorit.com there are wellness benefits for adults that color. Some of their top benefits are listed below.

  1. Your brain experiences relief by entering a meditative state
  2. Stress and anxiety levels have the potential to be lowered
  3. Negative thoughts are expelled as you take in positivity
  4. Focusing on the present helps you achieve mindfulness
  5. Unplugging from technology promotes creation over consumption
  6. Coloring can be done by anyone, not just artists or creative types
  7. It’s a hobby that can be taken with you wherever you go
150 Mandalas For Stress Relief And Relaxation
Blank Mandala Pattern

Also, Freya Bree is giving the PDF file of the book out for free. You can print the ebook out for your own coloring pleasure. In order to receive the free eBook, please send an email to hello@freyabree.com

This book of wonderful and elaborate blamandala designs can be found on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NN8GFHH

Her website is coming soon at https://www.FreyaBree.com

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