Official “SEGA Dreamcast Tech Spec” T-Shirt

I have good memories of, “SEGA“, the Japanese video game console maker. That makes this shirt, of the Dreamcast console really cool to me.

What are your favorite games from the “Dreamcast Console” ? I am excited to see what they will come up with in the near future hopefully more tech/mech style shirts like this one.

I think this would make a dope gift for the older gamer in your life. If they are late 20’s or older and have been gaming for a while…expect them to know about this console and its 4 controller ports and visual memory units.

Click the image below to purchase for 9.99 before shipping and tax from

Get A “Search Engine Optimized” (S.E.O.) Post At “Supa Fly Mag” For $12!

The value of a post at is constantly going up. Google “Supa Fly Mag” to see some of my work and to get an idea of what Search Engine Optimized (SEO) post can do for you.

When doing this Search you will find ads and media from my partners and clients.

Click here to find out more about purchasing a (SEO) post at “Supa Fly Mag”.

Thank you for your support I appreciate you. @SupaFlyOne

Get a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Post at and Increase Your Value Online Today

A post at will increase the value of your digital properties by helping them rank better in search engine results.

Getting  a Search Engine Optimized Post

Enter your information into the form at Http://www. or email Gerald Washington (@SupaFlyOne) directly at

The more post you get for your digital properties the better.

The price is now $30 per post.

Payment forms accepted include Cash app, PayPal, cash, debit and credit card.

Members of this digital trust have all seen an increase in online activity and sales.

This is the best value on the internet and the price will go up soon.

The Legend of the 4 Dragons

There is a modern day legend of 4 dragons.All with the power to spit modern day fire….they changed the course of history with their words…and the world was forever in awe….

The smallest of these dragons is

@SupaFlyOne. His flame can manipulate the 4th dimension.

The second dragon is

Ye.His flame has the furthest reach.

The third Dragon is

Donald Trump…he was blessed with the secret flame of Alchemy and his flame could turn anything to gold.

The fourth dragon is

Barack Obama.He was a symbol for the coming of the other 3 and maybe he was most important.His Flame was eternal it was the Flame of love and of infinite inspiration. All who felt his breathe loved him. He was loved the most out of the four Dragons and the most popular.

This is the modern day Legend of the 4 day dragons.